Monday 2 August 2010

Music For The Fun Of It - Bene Gesserit

Though Todd of Dalston Oxfam Shop whom is playing at the next Black Circle on the 21st of August Kassettentäter.
A group from Germany (translation is Cassette Destroyer) who collected and compiled a bunch of mainly german underground music, along with the more recognisable, including favorite D.A.F.
One song in particular ironically named "Nobody Can Know" I wanted more. The band is called Bene Gesserit which is a name stolen from Frank Herbert's science fiction 'Dune universe'.

Through my research on this band I found they are from Trazegnies, Belgium, lead by Alain Neffe now 60, a prominent and legendary member of the Belgian industrial scene and also including Nadine Bal.
Alain Neffe lead record label INSANE records which includes bands: Human Flesh ,BeNe GeSSeRiT, the Chopstick Sisters, Subject , I Scream , Japanese Genius , Human Dance , The Other Side Of Human Flesh , Cortex and Pseudo Code.
The INSANE myspace states: "Several of these bands are still active musically ,mostly releasing music on other labels ...used to release vinyls and compilations cassettes in the 80's (some of the releases are still available) and you should contact Alain Neffe" if you want them... so I did and now Alain is kindly kept me up-to-date on several releases including the Pseudo Code x Excepter release.

Although good old Mutant Sound I found the album Music For The Fun Of It which hosts my desired 'Knowbody Can Know' track as well as albums 'Fashion Is A Dirty Word' and 'A high, happy, perverse and cynical cry of joy'.

For more from the collection listen on the various kassettentäter myspace pages & Bene Gesserit Myspace


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