Friday 9 July 2010

Graham Lambkin, Helm and special guest at Cáfe OTO 6th August

Black Circle friend Mark Harwood of Penultimate Press presents the "right sort of weird" Graham Lambkin along with Helm and special guests.

Lambkin is an artist of self expression, reiterating is innermost weird in the forms of imagery, writing and vocal use.

The event will be hosted by Dalston's Cafe OTO on Friday 6 August 2010 and is an event not to be missed!
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Lambkin will read selections from first book of writings 'Dumb Answer to Miracles' (2009), alongside other works. The evening also marks the release of a new Penultimate Press book 'Dripping Junk' comprising 100 drawings Lambkin made during a recent trip to Miami FL.

For the evening, Lambkin is accompanied by Helm aka Luke Younger, who explores field recordings, tape loops, percussion, and electronics. Helm alludes to narrative via abstract compositions which create a tense, daunting environment. A additional act will be announced shortly.

Tickets are a tiny £5 in advance via:

See also:

All images Graham Lambkin via The Wire.

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